Gary's Midi Paradise
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My name is Gary Rogers and welcome to my MIDI world. I have been enjoying and sequencing MIDI files for about 19 years now. All of the files you find here are my own sequences. You will find songs of all kinds from Rock Oldies to Country and Pop. I hope you enjoy them.


The files on the following pages are mostly Rock and Roll Oldies of the 50's, 60's and 70's. I have also included some Country, Pop and Miscellaneous other MIDIs. All of the files will sound best on a Wavetable sound card.

***Updated 5/29/2014. Added 51 New or Revised MIDI files to this site.

If you enjoyed the music on this site and would like to learn how to do it


My MIDI Pages

MP3 Files from Guitar Pro

MIDI Files - A to H

MIDI Files - I to R

MIDI Files - S to Z

MIDI Files - Ragtime and Marches

MIDI Files - TV And Movie Themes

MIDI Files - Christmas

Favorite Links

Now playing "Bandstand Boogie"

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